The turban is slowly and surely finding its way with our very own Bollywood actors. After Akshay Kumar's super-duper sardar act in the blockbuster Singh Is Kinng, every actor worth his salt is donning the pagdi these days. By now its common knowledge that Salman Khan would be seen playing a sardar in Samir Karnik's multi-starrer Heroes and even chocolate boy Ranbir Kapoor is all set to play a sardar in Shimit Amit's next. Now the latest actor to don a pagdi is none other than cool dude Saif Ali Khan.
Saif was seen shooting in this completely new get up for his as yet untitled home production directed by Imtiaz Ali. The film pairs Saif Ali Khan and Deepika Padukone for the first time. The unit recently shot in and around the Lake Market area of Kolkata. In order to avoid any disruptions during the 4 day shoot, the hawkers, vendors etc. were given adequate compensation.
Saif was seen shooting in this completely new get up for his as yet untitled home production directed by Imtiaz Ali. The film pairs Saif Ali Khan and Deepika Padukone for the first time. The unit recently shot in and around the Lake Market area of Kolkata. In order to avoid any disruptions during the 4 day shoot, the hawkers, vendors etc. were given adequate compensation.
Saif Ali Khan | Deepika Padukone | Sizzling Shots | Kareena | Saif Video |
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